在台灣複雜混沌的工運領域中,面對利益理念衝突、統獨意識糾葛, 「民主卻缺乏包容」、「多元卻沒有方向」的惡質政治操弄下,緒中認為:台灣社會唯有更多獨立自主的非營利團體,才能深化公民意識,才能建立真正成熟、包容的公民社會。因此,緒中希望以自己親身投入台灣社會運動的經驗,以及對南韓市民運動成功經驗的實際接觸,期待以行動對台灣未來的公民社會發展,貢獻一己之力。讓民主、尊嚴不只是爭取選票的政治口號,而是所有台灣人民內化成為生活行為的具體表現。
【人物側寫】張緒中 看企管書搞工運
【2005-08-12/聯合晚報/13版 – 記者 韓青秀/報導 】
張緒中多年來投入工運,在街頭上聲嘶力竭帶領勞工向前衝。在他一聲號令下,不少員工義無反顧響應罷工,是大老闆眼中的難纏角色。私下的他,卻是謙和有禮,不愛抽菸喝酒,也不喜應酬。 令人意外的是,身為工運的風雲人物,張緒中愛看的書籍竟是企業管理。
2002年10月 英國Red Paper雜誌—天生反骨專欄
人物專訪:中華電信工會理事長 張緒中
Simon Chang is leading activist in the independent trade union movement and the growing green movement in Taiwan. He has been president of the telecom workers union and is standing again for election next month. Hilary Wainwright met him at an unprecedented coming together of green activists with trade union organisers funded by Labour Bureau of the city of Kaohsiong. Privatisation is the main issue for the unions.
張緒中 是台灣從事工會自主運動和公益運動的領導人物。他曾經是中華電信工會理事長,在2002年11月即將再度參與工會選舉。記者溫萊特˙希拉蕊(Hilary Wainwright)在一次由高雄市勞工局所贊助,而由工會及公益運動人士的集會中,與張緒中偶然相遇,記者試圖就中華電信民營化相關議題訪問張理事長。下面是這次之訪問內容。
An important moment in your fight against privatisation was when you and the leadership of the union shaved your heads. Why did you do this?
We shave our heads when our parents die. So it is a way of saying that what is happening is very,very serious. We were alerting people to the fact that privatisation might mean they would lose their job and also any chance of democratic control. we got the idea from the independent trade union movement in South Korea, from whom we get much of our inspiration.
What is you background?
My father came over from mainland China as once of Chiang Kai-Shek’s troops. I had many arguments with him.
What was your first rebellion?
When I first got a job in 1987, I was struck by the fact that many people had never had a wage rise in the whole of their working life. They were people who did climb up the company by doing what it wanted. I began to organise rise. This was the beginning of the independent trade union movement.
How are you different from the leadership of the old state-controlled trade unions?
We have had to change the image of trade unions completely. The old system was very corrupt. The company gave the trade union leaders a lot of favours. They just drank and talked. This gave them a very bad image. Women were very put off. We are changing this image. We do not drink. We work very had. We are seen as pure. We put a lot of emphasis on educating , involving the members and supporting citizens’ campaigns.
The telecom workers’ union seems to play aleading role in integrating red and green issues-what explains this?
Telecom workers have a special status as public servants and intellectuals. We have a lot in common with teachers and cultural workers who are leading the green movement. We feel responsible for the state of our society. And our society is becoming very polluted.
How important are international connections?
Most important. We are creating an informal networks of independent unions across South East Asia. Companies are globalised Trade unions cannot stay at home.
Have you been back to mainland China?
I want to go back with the ashes of my father.
It was his wish. But it is difficult for me because the telecom company management is still dominated by the Kuomintang. They accuse me of being pro-China and a communist. If went to mainland China they would use this against me.
What is you attitude to Taiwan’s relationship to China?
Taiwan should have its own sovereignty. It is the only way to achieve a democratic society. I have a fantasy of being part of China.It is so huge and with such variety. But it would need to be on the basis of our own independence.
2003-02-27 / Taiwan News,
Staff Reporter / By Dennis Engbarth
Taiwan’s labor movement received a needed stimulus yesterday when independent long-time labor activist Simon Chang (張緒中) won back the post of chairman of the 28,000-strong Chunghwa Telecom Workers’ Union in indirect elections held yesterday.
Chang became the first non-Kuomintang chairman of the CTWU, one of Taiwan’s most influential public-sector unions six years ago, lost the post three years ago in the face of an intense campaign to oust him by the then KMT government, and regained the chairmanship after supporters won 14 of 27 seats on the CTWU’s board of directors.
In his first term as CTWU chairman, Chang spearheaded a campaign against the privatization of the telecommunications agency and the state sector.
He was also active in the decade-long drive to form Taiwan’s first industrial union movement independent from the official (and KMT) controlled Chinese Federation of Labor (CFL) which culminated in May 2000 with the founding of the Taiwan Confederation of Trade Unions.
During the past three years, Chang has served as managing director of the TCTU, the Kaohsiung City Confederation of Unions and the CTWU.
In an exclusive interview yesterday at the Legislative Yuan, Chang discussed the significance of the election and his views on the future of CTWU, the labor movement, with the Taiwan News.
Taiwan News: How do you evaluate your re-election as CTWU chairman?
Chang: I see today’s result as a victory for unions and people’s organizations, not for myself. When I lost the election three years ago, I felt it was not a personal defeat but a sign that we had not done a good job of carrying out reform.
More importantly, this election was a test of whether people’s organizations could gain independence from political parties or factions. In this case the KMT and even some elements in the governing DPP joined against me, but we won nonetheless. I firmly believe that only if the civic and people’s organizations in Taiwan can become independent of political parties will a genuine civil society in Taiwan become consolidated. Only when elections for leading offices in unions are direct elections by all members can there be guarantees for the autonomy of such organizations from political parties.
I have registered to run for the chairmanship of the Kaohsiung City Confederation of Trade Unions in April, which will be the first time in Taiwan that the chairman of a district union will be directly elected by all the union members, who number about 32,000.
TN: Was not the use of indirect elections in unions and civic societies a system instituted by the former ruling Kuomintang?
Chang: Yes, under the KMT, most civic organizations, including unions, were controlled by the ruling party. The system of indirect elections played a key role as it is far easier to buy people off in such elections than in direct elections by the membership.
This is one of the reasons why we had high expectations of President Chen’s government as we hoped for institutional change in this area.
President Chen did permit the formation of the Taiwan Confederation of Trade Unions in May 2000 even though the Labor Law which still lists the China Federation of Labor as the only “legal” labor federation.
But since then we have not seen signs of more institutional reform in this field from the DPP government, which I believe should follow the president’s example and allow unions to hold direct elections even though the revisions in the union law have been delayed.
In the last two years, the members of the China Steel Workers Union directly elected their chairman and this process and its result were upheld by the Kaohsiung District Court last year. Recently, the chairman of the union at the Aerospace Industry Development Corporation was also directly elected by union members in a very smooth election.
TN: What are your plans once you resume the chairmanship post?
Chang: The most pressing issue for the CTWU is the privatization of Chunghwa Telecom. We believe that the best way to reform and revitalize state-run enterprises is to promote its transition to a corporation with modern management, superior “corporate governance,” and wider union participation in management.
We are not against all sales of stock to the public, but we oppose the sale of shares to “special” investors as this method could easily cause Chunghwa Telecom and other state-run enterprises to fall into the hands of conglomerates.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no difference in the policy of privatization between the DPP government from the KMT, but since the government still owns 81 percent of the official shares, we believe there is still considerable room for discussion.
At least representatives of the unions in companies that face privatization should be included as members of the committee to monitor privatization which has been established under the Council for Economic Planning and Development.
Frankly, I believe President Chen should learn from the newly-inaugurated South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun who believes strongly that unions should be able to participate in management.
TN: How will the results of this election in the CTWU affect its position in the coming presidential election?
Chang: As CTWU chairman, I have no right to decide whether the union should support any presidential candidate or ticket based on my personal preferences. The determining factor in any recommendation that we may make is what the various candidates or parties actually do for labor during the coming year.
The DPP has control over administrative resources and has much room to manifest its commitment to the promises that President Chen made to labor during his campaign, including pressing through passage of the major labor related legislation and structural and institutional reform in union and civil organizations.
Since the KMT and the PFP hold the balance of power in the Legislative Yuan, they also have room to show their sincerity in promoting the needs of Taiwan’s workers.
For example, there are critical labor laws that have been awaiting passage by the Legislature for a long time, including revisions to the Labor Union Law, the law on collective bargaining and the Law on the resolution of labor-management disputes and revisions to the Labor Standards Law.
Passage of these bills, especially the revisions to the union law, have been delayed because of a small number of legislators with vested interests. I plan to hold a public hearing in the Legislature to find out where are the obstacles to passage and how they can be overcome.
The emergence of competition for the votes of Taiwan workers based on the actual performance of the various parties on labor conditions and policy could bring a new dawn for the Taiwan union and labor movement, especially in promoting autonomy from political parties.