DM純中英文字 我們工會的故事 一 緣起 1957年台灣省電信工會成立,1976年內政部核准屬中央輔導,更名台灣電信工會。1996年電信總局改制為中華電信份有限公司,台灣電信工會正式更名為中華電信股份有限公司產業工會。台灣南區電信分公司企業工會前身為高雄市中華電信工會,在中華電信工會理事長張緒中任內,基於憲法結社自由精神,工會在地化發展政治影響力需要,鼓勵各縣市分會組織加入當地總工會。以中華電信工會高雄分會會員為主體,於2005年3月31日獲高雄市政府勞工局核准成立,成為台灣第一個,也是唯一分會,獨立自主向當地市政府申請工會組織。因100年5月1日,行政院公佈實施新修正工會法,正式更名。 Our Story 1. The Beginning Taiwan Province Telecommunication Union was established in 1957, soon after, in 1976, it was approved by the Ministry of the Interior (Republic of China) for central counselling and the name was then adjusted to Taiwan Telecommunication Union. In 1996, the DGT (Directorate General of Telecommunications) was reconstructed into Chunghwa Telecom Co; Therefore Taiwan Telecommunication Union was then officially renamed as Chunghwa Telecom Workers’ Union. Chunghwa Telecom Southern Workers’ Union was formerly known as Chunghwa Telecom Workers’ Union. During the President Chang Hsu-Chung’s tenure, based on the Constitution of Republic of China with respect of free spirit, workers’ union developed locally and creates the needs of political influences. Encourage Chunghwa Telecom employees in each and every city to join their local workers’ union, with Chunghwa Telecom Southern Workers’ Union as their main body. On the 31st of March, 2005, Chunghwa Telecom Southern Workers’ Union was approved by the Labor Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government. It was the very first union in Taiwan that has independently applied as a union organization, due to the Executive Yuan promulgated the new Trade Union Law in May, 2011; the name was therefore changed to Chunghwa Telecom Southern Workers’ Union. 解嚴覺醒 從1987年7月台灣宣佈解嚴,在1987年10月31日,電信員工成立國營事業第一個體制外團體「電信實習員佐權益促進會」,後來陸續成立士差聯誼會、雇工聯誼會、不定期契約工聯誼會、電信團結工聯、建技教員佐權益促進會、業務服務員權益促進會,到基於理念結合、跨越身份、挑戰電信政策的「關懷電信改制基金會」等體制外組織,前後歷經十年組織經營,在1996年11月6日,第一屆中華電信工會理事長由張緒中當選,正式擺脫政黨及資方控制,開起啟工會獨立自主新頁。 Waking up from the Martial Law The Martial Law was lifted in July 1987. Soon after, on the 31st of October 1987; the employees of telecommunication established the first labor organizations outside the Legal Regulations and system from a state-owned enterprise called “Telecommunication Apprentice and Equality Enforcement Group”, and later on, others followed. Many Labor Organizations outside the Legal Regulations were also established. These organizations are based on combining similar ideology